Hunting is a very popular past time in the US and is great practice for preppers and survivalists. Not only will you learn how to creep up on animals, track animals and learn about how adrenaline affects your use of a weapon, but it can also be a great time to practice survival with minimal supplies. Until the time comes when you are hunting because your life depends on it, you should have fun and learn through hunting. Though it may not be that close to big game hunting season in your area many of these things are pre hunt suggestions so they can help you book your hunt prepare even now for your hunt.
Have the Right Equipment
This is a very important aspect of hunting. Though you need the correct weapon for the type of hunting you are doing, having the correct equipment in your backpack is very important. When book your hunt going out for a day hunt your backpack should really have enough for 1-2 days. It’s better to have a little more than you need than not enough. Here are some of the things I carry when hunting.
Backpack Equipment
Comfortable and Strong Backpack – First Aid Kit – Flashlight – Fire Starting Equipment – Poncho – Warm Hat – Long Johns – Gloves – Handheld Saw (to cut animal bone or tree branches for a blind or to start a fire) – Food and Snacks – Water – Water Purification Tablets – Glow Stick – GPS (Good to have a book your hunt compass and map also) – Binoculars – Few Different Types of Knives (one for gutting and skinning) – Camping Eating Utensils – Leatherman – Survival Blanket – Foldable Shovel
Carry Equipment
Bow or Gun (whatever I am using to hunt usually a bow) – Pistol (For Self-defense if Archery hunting, make sure it is legal in your state) – Bugle Tube(If Elk Hunting) – Range Finder – Camo Hat, Pants,and Shirt – Warm Socks – Camo Jacket – Good Hunting Boots (Comfortable and waterproof are the best) – Pocket Knife – Wallet with Drivers License, Hunting License and Tag(for the animal I am hunting) – Car Keys – Cell Phone(Set to silent or turned off, If no service then you may not need it)
There are other things that I probably should have and hope to get before the next time I go hunting. There are also things that may fit your hunt that I have not listed. Every hunt is book your hunt different so the equipment you need will change. If you are hunting for whitetail deer in Southern AZ warm clothes may not be necessary. Remember to tailor your gear to your hunt.